Taco Tuesday on Monday in under 5 minutes

Now you can have Taco Tuesday any day of the week with this quick and easy version I created.  Remember our recipes are home made because you make them at home with love.  They are not made from scratch with so many ingredients that  not only cost a lot but are hard to remember.  We are here to give you our true and tested recipes that will leave you coming back for more, and wondering why you haven’t been cooking like this all along!! Life is busy and complicated as it is, your cooking doesn’t need to be, so enjoy and when you try a recipe send us a picture and we will add you to our testimonial page.

Ingredients serves Cost
1 1 lb package of 4% Ground Beef $5.49
2 1 bag Butter Lettuce $2.49
3  Organic Blue Tazza Chips $0.75*
4 Taco Seasoning $0.40*
5  Jar of Chunky Salsa $ 1.99
  Total $11.12 ($2.78per serving)

* Price reflects amount used in recipe ingredients sourced from Trader Joe’s


Nutrition Facts Per Serving
Calories 254
Carbs 20.2g
Fats 8.1g
Protein 26g
Sugar 8g
Fiber 2g
Source: MyFitnessPal

*Ingredients found at Trader Joe’s


Step 1: Spray your pan with a little bit of Olive oil

Step 2:  Brown your ground beef

Step 3:  Sprinkle with about half a pack of the taco seasoning

Step 4: Pour in the entire jar of the chunky salsa.

Step 5: Arrange a quarter bag of lettuce on each plate, along with a handful of the blue chips, and put a fourth of the pan on top of your lettuce and chips. If this serving is too much for you adjust to your liking and your calorie count will go down.

Step 6: Enjoy!




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